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医学心理学 英文版 姚树桥,方建群 主编 2010年版

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医学心理学 英文版
作者:姚树桥,方建群 主编
出版时间: 2010年版
Chapter I Introduction to Psychology
1.1 What is Psychology?
1.2 Professions of Psychology
1 3 The Goals of Psychology
2.The Historical Origins of Psychology
2.1 Historical Development of Psychology
2.2 Timeline of Important Events in the History of Psychology
3.Contemporary Psychological Perspectives
3.1 Biological Perspective
3.2 Psychoanalytic Perspective
3.3 Behavioral Perspective
3.4 Humanistic Perspective
3.5 Cognitive Perspective
4.The Major Subfields of Psychology
4.1 Experimental Psychology
4.2 Applied Psychology
5.The BiO psychosocial Model
6.Research Methods in Psychology
6.1 The Research Process
6.2 Research Biases
6.3 Common Methods for Reductionin Bias
64 EthicaT Considerationsin ResearchChapter 2 Major Topics in General Psychology
Section 1 Sensation and Perception
1.1 Why Do We Study Sensation and Perception?
1 2 Difference between Sensation and Perception
2.1 The Assessment of Sense
2.2 Pans and Functions of the Basic Senses
3.1 Selectivity of Perception
3.2 Organization of Perception
3.3 Perceptual Constancy
3.4 Space and Depth Perception
3.5 Perceptual Illusions
3.6 Theories of Perceptual Development
Section 2 Memory
1.How We Study Memory?
2.Memory Processes
2.1 Encoding
2.2 Storage
2.3 Retrieval
3.Stages of Memory
3.1 Sensory Memory
3.2 Short.Term Memory(STM)
3.3 Long-Term Memory(LTM)
4.Types of Memory
4.1 Implicit Memory
4 2 Explicit Memory
4.3 Differences between Explicit and Implicit Memory
5.1 Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve
5.2 Causes of Forgetting
5.3 Amnesia
Section 3 Learning
1.Introduction to Learning
1.1 What is Learning?
1.2 Types of Learning
2.Classical Conditioning
2.1 Pavlov’s Experiments
2.2 Principles of Classical Conditioning
2.3 Application of Classical Conditioning
3.Operant Conditioning
3.1 Whatisthe Operant Conditioning?
3.2 Law Of Efrect
3.3 Principlesin Operant Conditioning
3.4 Schedules ofRein forcement
3.5 Comparison of Classical and Operant Conditioning
3.6 Applications of Operant Conditioning
4.Observational Learning
4.1 Bandura’S ExperimentJ
4.2 Stepsto Successful Modeling
4.3 Possible Mechanism of Observational Learning
Section 4 Motivation
1.Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations
2.Theoretical Perspectives on Motivation
2.1 Instinct Theory
2.2 Drive Reduction Theory
2.3 Optimal Arousal Theory
2.4 Incentive Theory
2.5 Cognitive Theory
2.6 Maslows Hierarchy of Needs
3.Applying the Different Theories to Motivation
4.Dealing with Multiple Motives
Section 5 Emotion
1.PhysiologicalAspect of Emotion
1.1 Physiological Changes of Emotion
1.2 The Neuropsychology of Emotion
2.Subjective Experience
2.1 Types of Emotion
2.2 Functions of Emotion
3.Emotional Expression
3.1 Facial Expressions
3.2 Culture and Emotion Display Rules
3.3 Gender and Emotional Expression
4.Theoretical Perspectives on Emotion
4.1 James-Lange Theory
4.2 Cannon-BardTheory
4.3 Cognitive Perspectives on Emotion
4.4 The Opponent-Process Theory
Section 6 Personality
1.Introduction to personality
2.Approaches to Personality
2.1 The Psychqanalytic Approach
2.2 The Trait Approach
2.3 The Behavioral and Social Learning Approach
2.4 The Humanistic Approach
2.5 The CognitiveApproach
2.6 TheBiologicalApproach
3.1 Observational Methods
3.2 Personality Inventories
Section 7 Consciousness.Sleeping and Dreaming
1.1 Whatis Consciousness?
1.2 Functions of Consciousness
1.3 States of C0nsciousness
1.4 Levels of Consciousness
2.Sleeping and Dreaming
2.1 Functions of Sleep
2.2 Sleep Patterns
2.3 Sleep Disorders
2.4 Dreaming
3.Altering Consciousness
3.1 Hypnosis
3.2 Mediration
3.3 Altered States with DrugsChapter 3 Psychological Development
1.Introduction to Developmental Psychology
2.Theories of Developmental Psychology
3.Cognitive,Emotional,and Social Development
3.1 Infancy and Childhood
3.2 Adolescence
3.3 AdulthoodChapter 4 Psychological Test
1.1 Types of Tests
1.2 Uses of Tests
1.3 A Brief History:Testis the Need of Society
2.Requirements for a Good Test
2.1 Item Selection
2.2 Standardization
2.3 Reliability
2.4 validity
3.Tests of IntellectualA bility
3.1 Binet’s Method
3.2 Stanford BinetIntelligence Scale
3.3 Wechsler Intelligence Scales
Chapter 5 Health Psychology
Chapter 6 Psychological Disorders
Chapter 7 Psychosomatic Disorders
Chapter 8 Psychotherapy
Chapter 9 Psychological Counseling
Chapter 10 Doctor-Patient Relationship