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工程训练教程 [周桂莲,陈昌金,徐爱民 主编]

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  • 类别:机械书籍
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关键词:教程   主编   训练   爱民   工程
作者:周桂莲,陈昌金,徐爱民 主编
丛编项: 普通高等教育"十二五"工程训练系列规划教材
第一篇 工程材料及热加工成形技术
( Engineering Materials and Hot Processing Technology)
第1章 工程材料及热处理(Engineering Materials and Heat Treatment)
1.1 概述(Summary)
1.2 钢的热处理工艺(Heat Treatment Process of Steel)
1.3 热处理的常用设备(Common Equipment of Heat Treatment)
【安全技术】( Security Technology)
【思考题】( Thinking Questions)
【创新案例】( Innovation Case)
第2章 铸造技术( Casting Technology) l
2.1 铸造技术基本知识(Basic Knowledge of Casting Technology)
2.1.1 液态合金的充型(Filling of Liquid Alloy)
2.1.2 铸件的收缩(Casting Shrinkage)
2.2 砂型铸造(Sand Casting)
2.2.1 砂型铸造工艺过程(Sand Casting Process)
2.2.2 手工造型(Manual Molding)
2.2.3 机器造型(Machine Molding)
2.2.4 砂型铸造的常见缺陷(Common Defect of Sand Casting)
2.3 特种铸造(Special Casting)
2.3.1 熔模铸造(Investment Casting)
2.3.2 金属型铸造(Metal Mold Casting)
2.3.3 压力铸造(Pressure Casting)
2.3.4 低压铸造(Low Pressure Casting)
2.3.5 离心铸造(Centrifugal Casting)
2.3.6 铸造方法的选择(Selection of Casting Method)
2.4 铸件结构工艺性(Structure Machinability of Casting Workpieces)
2.4.1 从简化铸造工艺过程分析(Analysis of Simplified Casting Process)
2.4.2 从避免产生铸造缺陷分析(Analysis to Avoiding Casting Defect)
2.4.3 铸件结构要便于后续加工(Casting Structure Convenient for Subsequent
2.4.4 组合铸件的应用(Application of Composite Casting) 3
【安全技术】( Security Technology)
【思考题】( Thinking Questions) 3l
【创新案例】( Innovation Case)
第3章 锻压技术(Forging and Stamping Technology)
3.1 金属的塑性变形理论(Plastic Deformation Theory of Metal)
3.1.1 金属塑性变形的实质(The Essence of Plastic Deformation of Metal)
3.1.2 塑性变形对金属组织及性能的影响(Effect of Plastic Deformation on Metal
Organization and Property)
3.1.3 金属的可锻性(Metal Forging Property)
3.2 锻造(Forging).
3.2.1 自由锻(Free Forging)
3.2.2 模锻(Die F0rging)
3.3 板料冲压(Sheet Metal Stamping)
3.3.1 板料冲压基本工序(Basic Process of Sheet Metal Stamping)
3.3.2 冲压件结构工艺性(Structure Machinability of Stamping Workpiece)
【安全技术】( Security Technology)
【思考题】( Thinking Questions)
【创新案例】( Innovation Case)
第4章 焊接技术( Welding Technology)
4.1 焊条电弧焊(Shielded Metal Arc Welding)
4.1.1 焊条电弧焊的设备(Shielded Metal Arc Welding Equipment)
4.1.2 焊条(Covered Electrode)
4.1.3 焊条电弧焊工艺(Process of SMAW)
4.2 其他焊接方法(Other Welding Method)
4.2.1 埋弧焊(Submerged Arc Welding)
4.2.2 气体保护焊(Gas Shielded Arc Welding)
4.2.3 电阻焊(Resistance Welding)
4.2.4 钎焊(Soldering and Brazing)
4.3 焊接质量及其控制(Quality Control of Welding)
4.3.1 金属材料焊接性的概念(Concept of Metal Weldability)
4.3.2 焊接接头金属组织性能的变化(Change in Metal Organization Property of
Welded Joint)
4.3.3 焊接应力与焊接变形概念(Concept of Welding Stress and Deformation)
4.3.4 焊件结构工艺性(Structure Machinability of Welding Workpiece)
4.3.5 焊接缺陷及防止措施( Welding Defect and Pteventive Measure).
【安全技术】( Security Technology)
【思考题】( Thinking Questions)
【创新案例】(Innovation Case)
第二篇冷加工成形技术(Cold Forming Technology)
第5章 切削加工基本知识( Basic Knowledge of Cutting Process)
5.1 概述( Summary).
5.1.1 机械加工的切削运动(Cutting Motion in Machining Operation)
5.1.2 切削用量(Cutting Parameter)
5.1.3 切削用量选择的般原则(Selection Principle of Cutting Parameter)
5.2 机械加工零件的质量要求(Quality Requirement of Machining Parts)
5.2.1 零件的加工精度(Machining Accuracy of Pmts)
5.2.2 零件的表面质量(Surface Quality of Parts)
5.3 常用量具(Common Measuring Instrument)
5.3.1 卡钳(Caliper)
5.3.2 游标卡尺(Vemier Caliper)
5.3.3 外径千分尺(Extemal Micrometer)
5.3.4 百分表(Dial Indicator)
5.3.5 量规(Gauge)
5.3.6 游标万能角度尺(Vemier Universal Bevel Protractor)
5.3.7 量具的维护保养(Maintenance of Measuring Instrument)
【思考题】( Thinking Questions)
第6章 车削加工(Turning)
6.1 概述(Summary)
6.2 车床(Lathe)
6.2.1 普通车床的组成和传动(Constitution and Transmission of Ordinary Lathe)
6.2.2 其他车床(Other Lathe)
6.3 常用刀具材料(Common Cutter Material)
6.3.1 刀具材料应具备的性能(Required Property of Cutter Material).
6.3.2 刀具材料(Cutter Material)
.6.4 车刀及其安装(Tuming Tool and Installation)
6.4.1 车刀的种类及用途(Type and Application of Tuming Tool)
6.4.2 车刀的组成及选择(Constitution and Selection of Turhing Tool).
6.4.3 正确装夹车刀(Clamping of Tuming Tool)
6.5 车床附件及工件安装(Lathe Accessory and Workpiece Clamping)
6.5.1 自定心卡盘安装工件(Clamping Workpiece with Self-Centering chuck)
6.5.2 单动卡盘安装工件(Clamping Workpiece with Independent Chuck)
6.5.3 双顶尖安装工件(Clamping Workpiece with Double Top)
6.5.4 中心架和跟刀架安装工件(Clamping Workpiece with Center Rest and Follow
6.5.5 花盘和花盘.弯板安装工件(Clamping Workpiece with Disc Chuck and Disc
Chuck-Plate Bending)
9.2 砂轮(Grinding Wheel) l
9.2.1 砂轮的磨削原理及特性(Grinding Principle and Characteristic of Crinding
Wheel) l
9.2.2 砂轮的安装及修整(Installation and Maintenance of Grinding Wheel)
9.3 磨削的基本操作(Basic Operation of Grinding)
9.3.1 磨夕b圆( Cylindrical Grinding) l
9.3.2 磨内圆(Intemal Crinding)
9.3.3 磨圆锥面(Taper Surface Crinding) l
9.3.4 磨平面(Flat Surface Grinding)
【操作训练】( Operation Training)
【安全技术】( Security Technology) l
【思考题】(Thinking Questions) l
【创新案例】(Innovation Case)l
第10章 镗削加工和拉削加工(Boring and Broaching)
10.1 镗削加工(Boring)
10.2 拉削加工(Broaching)
10.2.1 拉孔(Hole Broaching)
10.2.2 拉平面(Surface Broaching)
【思考题】(Thinking Questions)
第1l章 钳工(Benchwork)
11.1 概述(SuI砌ary)
11.2 划线(bneation) l
【操作训练】( Operation Training)
【安全技术】( Security Technology) l
11.3 锯削(Sawing) l
【操作训练】( Operation Training)
【安全技术】( Security Technology) l
11.4 锉削(Filing)
【操作训练】( Operation Training)
【安全技术】( Security Technology) l
11.5 钻削(Drilling)
【操作训练】( Operation Training)
【安全技术】( Security Technology)
11.6 攻螺纹和套螺纹(Tapping and Thread Die Cutting)
【操作训练】( Operation Training)
【安全技术】( Security Technology) 16l
1 1.7 錾削与刮削(Chipping and Scraping)
【操作训练】( Operation Training) l
【安全技术】( Security Technology)
11.8 装配与拆卸(Assembling and Disassembling)
【操作训练】( Operation Training)
【安全技术】( Security Technology)
【思考题】( Thinking Questions)
第三篇 数控与特种加工技术( CNC and Non-Traditional Machining Technology)
第12章 数控加工编程基础( Basic Knowledge of CNC-Working Programming)
12.1 数控机床及其组成(CNC-Machine Tool and Its Constitution)
12.1.1 数控机床简介(Introduction to CNC-Machine Tool)
12.1.2 数控机床的组成(Constitution of CNC-Machine Tool).
12.2 数控机床的特点和应用(Application and Character of CNC-Machine Tool)
12.2.1 数控机床与普通机床的区别(Difference Between CNC-Machine Tool and
Common Machine Tool)
12.2.2 数控机床的特点(Character of CNC-Machine Tool)
12.2.3 数控机床的应用范围(Application Field of CNC-Machine Tool)
12.2.4 数控机床的分类(Type of CNC-Machine Tool)
12.3 数控加工工艺设计(Process Planning of CNC-Working)
12.4 数控机床坐标系(Coordinate System of CNC-Machine Tool) 17
12.4.1 机床坐标系(Machine Coordinate System)
12.4.2 编程坐标系(Programming Coordinate System)
12.4.3 加工坐标系(Machining Coordinate System)
12.5 数控编程的种类(Types of CNC Programming)
12.5.1 手工编程的步骤(Step of Manual Programming)
12.5.2 自动编程(Automatic Programming)
12.6 数控车床(CNC Lathe)
12.6.1 数控车削的基本特征与加工范围(Basic Character and Processing Range of
CNC Tuming).
12.6.2 数控车床的结构(Composition of CNC Lathe)
12.6.3 数控车床的加工对象(Processing Object of CNC Lathe)
12.7 数控铣床(CNC Milling Machine)
12.7.1 数控铣床的加工对象(Processing Object of CNC Milling Machine)
12.7.2 数控铣床的类型(Type of CNC Milling Machine)
12.8 加工中心(Machining Center).
12.8.1 加工中心的特点(Character of Machining Center) l
12.8.2 加工中心的用途(Application of Machining Center)
12.8.3 加工中心的结构(Composition of Machining Center)
12.8.4 自动换刀装置(Automatic Tool Changer)
12.8.5 加工中心的加工对象(Processing Object of Machining Center)
第13章 数控车床编程( Programming of CNC Lathe)
13.1 数控车床的坐标系(Coordinate System of CNC Lathe)
13.1.1 坐标系(Coordinate System)
13.1.2 坐标系的设定(coordinate System Setting)
13.1.3 数控车床的三个零点(Three Zeros of CNC Lathe)
13.2 数控车床的编程规则(Programming Rule of CNC Lathe) l
13.2.1 CNC程序结构(Structure of CNC Program)
13.2.2 G准备功能(G-Preparation Function)
13.2.3 辅助功能指令(Auxiliary Function Instruction)
13.3 刀具的选择及对刀点、换刀点的确定(Tool Selection and Determination of Adjusted
Cutter Point and Tool-Change Point)
13-3.1 刀具的选择(Tool Selection)
13.3.2 对刀点、换刀点的确定(Determination of Adjusted Cutter Point and
Tool-Change Point)
13.4 数控车床对刀步骤(Tool Setting steps of CNC Lathe)
13.5 数控车床的手工编程及加工步骤(Manual Programming and Machining Step of
CNC Lathe)
13.5.1 手工编程(Manual Programming)
13.5.2 数控车床的加工步骤(Machining step of CNC Lathe)
13.6 数控车床操作举例(Practical Example for CNC Lathe)
【思考题】( Thinking Questions)
第14章 数控铣床、加工中心及自动编程( CNC-Milling Machine, Machining Center
and Automatic Programming)

14.1 数控铣床、加工中心的坐标系(Coordinate System of CNC-Milling Machine and
Machining Center)
14.1.1 数控铣床、加工中心的坐标系的建立(Coordinate System Establishing of
CNC-Milling Machine and Machining Center)
14.1.2 工件坐标系(Workpiece Coordinate System)
14.1.3 工件坐标系设定指令(Setting Instruction of Workpiece Coordinate System)
14.2 常用功能的编程(Programming of Common Function)
14.2.1 尺寸系统的编程方法(Programming of Dimension System)
14.2.2 刀具功能T、主轴转速功能S和进给功能F(Function of Tool (T),Function
of Shaft Rotation (S) and Function of Feeding Movement (F》
14.2.3 常用的辅助功能(Auxiliary Functions Commonly Used)
14.2.4 运动路径控制指令的编程(Programming of Motion Path Control
14.2.5 刀具补偿指令及其编程(Cutter Compensation Instruction and Its
14.2.6 固定循环与子程序(Canned Cycle and Subprogram)
14.3 编程实例(Practical Example for Programming)
14.4 CAD/CAM自动编程(CAD/CAM Automatic Programming)
14.4.1 CAD/CAM自动编程软件简介(Introduction to CAD/CAM Automatic
Programming Software)
14.4.2 CAD/CAM自动编程软件应用实例(Practical Examples for CAD/CAM
Automatic Programming Software)
【思考题】(Thinking Questions)
第15章 特种加工( Non-Traditional Machining)
15.1 电火花加工(Electrical Discharge Machining)
15.1.1 电火花加工的原理(Principle of Electrical Discharge Machining)
15.1.2 电火花加工的特点(Character of Electrical Discharge Machining)
15.1.3 电火花加工的应用范围(Application Field of Electrical Discharge
15.1.4 电火花线切割加工的基本原理(Basic Principle of Wire Electrical Discharge
15.1.5 电火花线切割加工的主要特点(Main Character of Wire Electrical Discharge
15.1.6 高速走丝电火花线切割加工机床的组成(Constitution of High-Speed Wire
Electro-Discharge Machine( HS-WEDM))
15.1.7 数控电火花线切割加工编程(Programming of CNC Wire Electrical Discharge
15.1.8 手工编程(Manual Programming)
15.1.9 计算机辅助编程(Computer Aided Programming)
15.1.10 编程系统的基本操作实例(Basic Practical Exmple for Programming
15.1.1 1扫描仪输入方式编程(Input Mode Programming of Scanner)
15.2 电解加工(Electro Chemical Machining)
15.2.1 电解加工的原理(Principle of Electrochemical Machining)
15.2.2 电解加工的特点(Character of Electrochemical Machining)
15.2.3 电解加工的应用(Application of Electrochemical Machining)
15.3 超声波加工(Ultrasonic Machining)
15.3.1 超声波加工的原理(Principle of Ultra Sonic Machining)
15.3.2 超声波加工的特点(Character of Ultrasonic Machining)
15.3.3 超声波加工的应用(Application of Ultrasonic Machining)
15.4 高能束加工(High Energy Beam Machining)
15.4.1 激光加工(Laser Beam Machining)
15.4.2 电子束和离子束加工(Electron Beam and Ion Beam Machining)
【操作训练】( Operation Training)
【思考题】( Thinking Questions)