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磁致伸缩生物传感器系统设计和应用 英文版 [张克维,张少琴著] 2011年版

  • 大小:14.1 MB
  • 语言:英文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:工业自动化
  • 更新日期:2023-11-06
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关键词:伸缩   传感器   英文   生物   应用
磁致伸缩生物传感器系统设计和应用 英文版
出版时间: 2011年版
List of figures
List of tables
List of abbreviations
List Of symbols
1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction to pathogenic bacteria and food-bome illness
1.1.1 Foodbome pathogenic bacteria
1.1.2 Infectious dose and detection of bacteria
1.2 Conventional bacterial detection methods
1.2.1 Plate counting methods
1.2.2 Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
1.2.3 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
1.3 Biosensors
1.3.1 Optical biosensors
1.3.2 Electrochemical biosensors
1.3.3 Acoustic wave (AW) biosensors
1.3.4 Micro-cantilever (MC) based biosensors
1.3.5 Magnetostrictive micro-cantilever (MSMC)-based biosensors
1.4 Magnetostrictive particle (MSP) based biosensors
1.4.1 Resonance behavior of MSP
1.4.2 Resonance behavior of MSP in visc6us media
1.4.3 Magnetostrictive effect and materials
1.4.4 Current status ofbiosensors based on MSPs
1.5 Sensing element for biosensors--antibodies vs. phages
1.6 Research objectives
2 Resonance behavior of msp and influence of surrounding media.
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Characterization of the resonance behavior of an MSP
2.3 Materials and methods
2.4 Results and discussion
2.4.1 Resonance frequency of MSPs
2.4.2 The Qvalue of MSPs
2.4.3 Resonance frequency of MSP in liquid
2.4.4 Determination of surface roughness Rave
2.4.5 Factors that affect the measured surface roughness Rave
2.4.6 Effect of liquid on Q value
2.5 Conclusions
3 Techniques in design and production of phage/antibody immobilized
magnetostrictive biosensor for bacterial detection
3.1 Introduction
3.2 MSP preparation
3.3 Phage and antibody immobilization
3.3.1 Phage immobilization
3.3.2 Antibody immobilization
3.4 Blocking agents
3.5 Preparation of bacterial culture
3.6 Experimental setup
3.7 SEM observation
3.8 Hill plot and kinetics of binding
3.9 Results and discussion
3.9.1 Detection of S. typhimurium
3.9.2 Detection of E. coli
3.9.3 Detection of S. aureus
3.9.4 Detection of L. Monocytogenes
3.10 Conclusions
4 Design and simulating techniques for portable msp biosensor system
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Equivalent circuit ofmagnetostrictive/magnetoelastic resonator
4.3 Characterization of resonance behavior ofmagnetostrictive/magnetoelastic resonator
4.3.1 Indirect approach for the frequency-domain technique
4.3.2 Time-domain technique
4.4 Conclusions
5 Synthesis of amorphous magnetostrictive thin film/nanowires using electrochemical deposition method
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Materials preparation
5.3 Electrochemical deposition of amorphous Co-Fe-B thin films
5.4 Electrochemical deposition of Co-Fe-B nanobars/nanotubes
5.5 Results and discussion
5.6 Conclusions
6 Future perspectives and recommendations